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Book: Just be Born Again

The only visible God, LORD and the Savior declared: “I …
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About HFY

How to be Born Again

Read the Book to know details how to be born again to enter into Heaven.

Best Ministry to help you to enter into Heaven

Heaven For You Ministries welcomes you to partner with us.

1. We are fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), means preaching the Gospel of the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) all over the world where all believers can be born again to enter into ...

Who Is a Born Again Christian?

Anyone who is washed by the blood of Jesus Christ (Yeshua, the only Messiah) to become holy to be filled with the Holy Spirit so s/he can live by the Holy Spirit. -John 3:3-7, Acts 2:38-39, Romans 8:1-14.

This ministry is all about to help you to enter ...

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"Jesus Answered and Said to Him, “Truly, Truly, I Say to You, Unless One is Born Again He Cannot See the Kingdom of God.”" John 3:3

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Alexandre Carretero
Sep 18, 2022