How can We be “Born Again”?

Read the Book to know details how to be born again in order to enter into heaven. 

Don't be cheated by any false teachings from a person or a group (Church) who is not born again yet. Do not cheat yourself at all, otherwise you will be ended up into hell to burn forever. 

Only way to be qualified to enter into heaven is the true born again experience with true biblical evidences. 

So must be careful!!!

Once you truly born again, no one will able to take you from the hand of Jesus Christ. So it is very urgent and important to be born again to avoid the punishment it the hell forever. If you won the whole world, but finally ended up into hell what is your benefit? So be serious and committed today to be born again first of all. As early as you will be born again your life on earth will become more beautiful, lovely and peaceful, because you will able to live a life through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit as a Child of God (Romans 8:14).

So right now buy the book "Just be Born Again," and start reading, praying and fasting unless you personally experience true born again life as the primary Christians did in the book of Acts. Book will help you, guide you, encourage you, teach you, give you wisdom and knowledge to apply the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be born again. 

I pray for you, your family, relatives, and love ones will be born again to enter into heaven. Read this book personally, as a family, group or even online network. Help everyone to be born again to enter into heaven with your entire family to obey the Great Commission of Jesus as His followers. (Matthew 28:18-20).

You can order a copy of the book "Just be Born Again" from this website through shopping cart. If you will order 90 plus copies we will cut the price half (only for USA) for your family and ministry. Contact with us where you can pay via PayPal or even CashApp. Heaven For You ministry is a non-profit ministries, means every dollar we will spend to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ all over the world to help everyone to be born again. 

Please read also John 3:5 and Acts 2:38-39.

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"Jesus Answered and Said to Him, “Truly, Truly, I Say to You, Unless One is Born Again He Cannot See the Kingdom of God.”" John 3:3

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