About HFY

Best Ministry to help you to enter into Heaven

Heaven For You Ministries welcomes you to partner with us.

1. We are fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), means preaching the Gospel of the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) all over the world where all believers can be born again to enter into heaven (John 3:3, 5).

2. We build and run Christian Schools in the 10-40 window, means third world where only less than 5% people know about the Gospel message.

3. We build Orphan Children Homes in the third world where many children have no place to live or eat, and there is limited access to education.

4. We do healing and deliverance meetings as well as revival meetings all over the world where many healed and also many received the Holy Spirit Baptism. So please contact with us if you need our any of these services that are the Gifts of the Holy Spirit for free for all of the needy, sick and captive ones.

If you want to partner with Heaven For You Ministries please make a generous donation. Heaven For You ministries is a nonprofits religious organization under IRS 5.O.C (3). All donations are tax-exempt. So please feel free to contact us to partner with us.

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